Step 6 -- Examine Code 2 (Break It)
Examine inputs, interfaces between modules
Will data transferred ever be missing or incomplete?
Trace back: Create a failure in one module, can it be tracked back to an acceptable input?
Trace forward: Can you pass acceptable data into a module, and cause a problem?
Try to create stressing cases (but not limited to):
Number of objects
Number of users
User inputs
Divide by zero
Logarithm of zero or negative
Array bounds
Boundary checking
Stress the algorithms used
The Eleven Steps In VV&A:
1. Examine Process Documentation
2. Examine System Documentation
3. Interview Developers
4. Interview Users
5. Examine Code 1 (Look For Problems)
6. Examine Code 2 (Break It)
7. Determine Truth
8. Generate Test Cases
9. Run Test Cases
10. Review Test Case Output
11. Assessment
Software Development Plan (SDP) Template
Software Configuration Management Plan (SCMP) Template
Software Quality Program Plan (SQPP) Template
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Template
What And Why Of VV&A